Carlee | St. Louis, MO Senior Photographer

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Carlee Hoxworth
Edwardsville High School


Soda or Juice?  Lemonade!

Reality or Sitcom? Reality

Favorite TV Show? Cosmos

Twitter or Instagram? Twitter

Early Bird or Night Owl? Major early bird!

Divergent or Hunger Games? HARRY POTTER. (But really If I had to pick I’d say hunger games)

Spring or Fall? Fall!

Favorite Hobby During this Season? Doing Drama Club!

Girls’ Night or Date Night? Night out with my friends (primarily guys)

Favorite Song or Genre of Music? Alternative; Do I wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys



What is your favorite high school memory? Standing ovations after Phantom of the Opera

What college do you plan to attend? University of Mississippi

Do you know what you want to study? Dual major in Psychology & Nursing with a minor in Spanish!



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